The Labouchere roulette system in roulette is also called the cancellation system. Here is how the strategy works.
Standard Labouchere system (increasing bets when you lose)
1) You start with a certain bankroll, and choose a sequence of numbers to start with. This could be anything, but a typical starting series would be 1-2-3-4-5-6.
2) You make even odds bets, such as red or black.
3) Add together the first and last numbers on your list. In this example, it would be 1+6 = 7, so you would bet 7.
4) If you win, cross out the two numbers you started with. For this example, your list would now be 2-3-4-5.
5) If you lose, then write your bet at the end of your list. Your list would be 1-2-3-4-5-6-7.
6) Repeat the process until you either cross out all the numbers (you win), or you lose all your money.
7) Most of the time this system will give you a small win, but there are occasional times when you will have a big loss.
Reverse Labouchere system (increasing bets when you win)
1) The reverse strategy starts just the same as the standard does. You have a bankroll and a sequence of numbers like 1-2-3-4-5-6.
2) As in the standard strategy, add together the first and last numbers on your list. In this example, it would be 1+6 = 7, so you bet 7.
3) The rules for what happens if you win or lose are the exact opposite of the standard strategy. If you win, then add your bet to the end of your list. Your list would be 1-2-3-4-5-6-7.
4) If you lose, cross out the two numbers you started with. Cross out the 1 and 6, and your list would now be 2-3-4-5.
5) Continue repeating the process.
6) Most of the time this system will give you a small loss, but there are occasional times when you will get a big win.