Many people swear by roulette strategies and there are many different ones you can select from. Each has its inherent strengths and weaknesses but one system that has drawn a lot of attention of late is Oscar’s Grind. In this article we’ll explain how Oscar’s Grind works, what the strengths of the system are and […]
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How to improve your odds in roulette
Posted by admin on June 6th, 2015
Roulette can be one of the most enjoyable games to play at the casino and can be as simple or as complex as you’d like to play it. However many novice players stymie themselves by making too many longer odds bets too often. This often results in players losing money very quickly. Fortunately, there are […]
What is the ‘Snake Bet’ in roulette?
Posted by admin on April 6th, 2015
If you have played roulette online, or in a real world casino before, then you may well have heard of the term, the ‘snake bet’. While this bet is essentially a simple one, it is somewhat complicated to explain. A snake bet, also known as a red snake bet, is when you place a bet […]